Tag Archives: keep breathing

That’s how it happened !

31 Mar

she was the last one to arrive with a friend .. cause she was not allowed to drive in that case..

they opened the door before would arrive to the door step ..

” And i will be Fine”was on in the background ..

they sat her down on the couch and made that famous circle around her ..

one is handing her chocolate ice cream

another is pushing in her palm some tissues

the other is patting on her shoulder..

and then one of her friends started talking .. “ok .. tell us what happened “

Keep Breathing started as she began to talk

She: ” You know how i put my heart in his hand months ago ..?”

they replied with pain “Yes ! we saw it with him .. “

She: ” Well it happened a couple of months ago .. he started forgetting where he placed my heart,sometimes he would bring it along with him..and sometimes he would just forget it by the bed stand ..

then it happened ..

weย  met up last night ,he held my heart in his right hand,and i could see how firmly he’s holding it .. my breathe was shortened ,and the air around was thick for me to inhale..

He started talking ..and as he talked

his fingers were crushing through my heart,one by one ..

and each finger would crash right through my heart ..

i could feel that hole is forming inside of me,i could feel the cold air passing through my body ..”

she cried even harder ..

and continued ” then ..he stopped talking .. and the piece left ..that was closer to his palm..was not broken ,but he took the pieces and walked away”

One of her friends: “and then what happened? “

the sound ofย  “Here without You” and her crying was too much to handle..

She: “he sent the pieces of my heart,or what is left of it ..in a cheap old brown doggy bag .. and I .. my heart is broken”

One of her friends : “Where is his heart?”

She: “He stole it from me,the night before breaking my heart,and while kissing me on my forehead good night,he stole it from me..he took his heart safe and sound ..and he broke my heart into pieces,he is insisting on hurting me even after breaking it ..by crashing and bagging it in that cheap bag,he didnt even have the curtsy to send it back in my red velvet box i gave my heart in ..to him .. he broke my heart,and he promised he wont .. when i gave it to him in the Opera House..he promised he wont break it ..and he did ..”

One of her friends hug her and said ” Did you bring it? “

She reached for her pocket and gave them the bag .. “Mend me please .. “
One of them: “You know we will .. and you know yourself,you mended our hearts before .. it will sting a little ..and for sure you know ..it will be a whole again but never like before though”

so they all headed for the dinning table and left one of them with her ..

she spread her heart on the table like a puzzle ..

got the glue out ..

and as they glued the sharp edges together .. Ana Haweet broke her heart even more ..

she is tossing in pain in her friend’s arms.. cause when edges touch they collide all the memories together ..so wounds are skinned over and over again..

“It will be over soon .. i promise .. i am sorry ” her friend whispered in her ears while hugging her tight through the pain ..

Dont Go Around Breaking Girls’ hearts..we have hearts made of glass .. and you carefully deal with glass..so why be reckless with our hearts?